American Legion Baseball
2024 Region 2 Tournament
July 20-24
Emmaus Community Park, Emmaus
Host: Lower Macungie
Berks #1: Kutztown
Berks #2: Reading
Bux-Mont #1: Quakertown
Bux-Mont #2: Perkiomen
Lehigh Valley: North Parkland
Norco #1: Wanderers
Norco #2: Northampton
Bracket (Games 1 and 3 & 2 and 4 are on same side)
Game 1: Lehigh Valley vs. Berks #1
Game 2: Berks #2 vs. Bux-Mont #1
Game 3: Norco #1 vs. Bux-Mont #2
Game 4: Host vs. Norco #2
Saturday, July 20
Game 1: North Parkland 8, Kutztown 1
Game 2: Quakertown 10, Reading 0
Game 3: Perkiomen 2, Wanderers 1
Game 4: Lower Macungie 2, Northampton 0
Sunday, July 21
Game 5: Wanderers 9, Kutztown 0
Game 6: Northampton 7, Reading 0
Game 7: Perkiomen 14, North Parkland 8
Game 8: Quakertown 5, Lower Macungie 2
Monday, July 22
Game 9: Northampton 6, North Parkland 5
Game 10: Lower Macungie 9, Wanderers 2
Tuesday, July 23
Game 11: Quakertown 8, Perkiomen 0
Game 12: Lower Macungie 12, Perkiomen 2
Game 13: Northampton 6, Quakertown 4
Pairings for Games 12 and 13 will not match previous opponents unless absolutely necessary.
Wednesday, July 24
Game 14: Lower Macungie 2, Northampton 1
Game 15: Quakertown 10, Lower Macungie 5
2024 Region 2 Champion: Quakertown