American Legion Baseball
About Our Site
Welcome to our site! The Pennsylvania American Legion Baseball Fan Site was created in the Spring of 2010 by a few fans who are deeply passionate about our nation's past time. For years we've spent summer nights out at baseball diamonds across the state, taking in some of the best amateur baseball the country has to offer. We know that thousands of fellow fans across the state share our loyalty to the game, though up until now there really was no place for fans to congregate.
Some of the better known teams that have more prolific histories have information and press coverage more readily available than the vast majority of teams in the state. With over three hundred senior legion level teams, it becomes nearly impossible to find information for some teams. That's why we're here. We decided the best way to give Pennsylvania Legion Baseball its proper due was to dedicate a website to its teams and their rich history.
We greatly appreciate the kind words and positive sentiment we've received in reference to the site so far. We've seen visitors from around the world, literally, right down to just about every town in the state.
We always love to hear feedback from our visitors, and we respond quickly to any correspondence sent our way. As always, any help you'd like to offer will be accepted graciously. We're always looking for contributors and writers, so let us know if you're interested. No experience of any kind is necessary!
Send all correspondence to palegionbaseball@gmail.com and you'll hear back from us soon. Thanks for stopping by!